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Recruitment Areas


· 理论经济学(经济系)

Theoretical EconomicsEconomics


· 应用经济学(经济系,金融系)

Applied Economics (Economics/ Finance)


· 工商管理(会计系,领导力与组织管理系,创新创业与战略系,市场营销系)

Business Administration (Accounting/ Leadership and Organization Management/Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy/ Marketing)


· 管理科学与工程(管理科学与工程系)

Management Science and Engineering (Management Science and Engineering)



01任职要求 Qualifications


· 申请者应具有知名大学博士学位;

Applicants must have a PhD degree from a well-known university

· 年龄35周岁以下;

Aged below 35;

· 博士毕业三年以内;

Within three years after doctoral graduation before applying

· 需全职在清华进行博士后研究工作.

Shall work full-time at Tsinghua University.


02工作和生活待遇 Compensation and Benefits


· 薪酬:提供有吸引力的薪酬;

Compensation: attractive salary package will be provided;


· 住房:协助解决住房问题,提供周转公寓;

Housing: we assist in solving housing problems and provide rental apartments;


· 子女入学:可安排学龄前及义务教育阶段子女就读ag真人登录附属幼儿园和附属学校。

Children enrollment: children at preschool and compulsory education age can be arranged to attend the affiliated kindergartens, primary and junior middle schools of Tsinghua University.


· ag真人登录水木学者计划:海内外优秀青年学者可申请ag真人登录水木学者计划。2023年支持人数不超过 200 人。详情请关注网址http://postdoctor.tsinghua.edu.cn/thu/index.htm

Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program: Excellent young scholars at home and abroad could apply.In 2023, a maximum of 200 scholars will be admitted to the program. For details of the program, please refer to the website: http://postdoctor.tsinghua.edu.cn/thu/index.htm


03应聘材料 Application Materials



CV (including a list of publications and working papers)


Full pages of selected publications

Other evidence of research and teaching excellence

04 辞职人员需提供离职证明

Employment Separation Certificate


04应聘方式 Application Process




Please refer to SEM official website for the detail of the collaborated professors http:/tesearch/jssearch.html

To apply, please send the application materials to postdoc@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn (subject line: name-Ph.D. graduate school-collaborating mentor applied) or to the collaborated professor directly. Screening of candidates will be conducted regularly in Spring and Autumn semester.